I guess most of us (like me), woke up this morning to devastating news that our founding father Mr Lee Kuan Yew pass away at 3.18am. I sat on bed, in a daze and wished that it was a hoax, and on the other hand, feeling relieved that its no longer painful for Mr Lee.
This is the closest I can get to Mr Lee, taken in Mdm Tussaud's Hong Kong.
And I am very thankful that I was at the Floating Platform last year for Mr Lee's last NDP, that was the last time I was at a closer distance to Mr Lee, but at the same time, he was already very weak then.
I have no interest in political issues but I know Mr Lee is a great man. Without him, there will be no us.
Heard from my mother that my maternal grandparents got married and came to Singapore for a living (all the way from China). They were very poor, and I believe we all know that the living conditions in the 50s were terrible. I am thankful and grateful that Mr Lee came a long way, fought real hard for our comfortable lives right now.
Earlier on in the office, I quickly switched on the radio, Kiss 92 is not the same today, the usual cheerful morning gang is replaced with solemn voices, sad music, and news flash on Mr Lee's passing, followed by PM Mr Lee Hsien Loong's speech.
We also had 1-min of silence in respect to Mr Lee with the chairman of our company.
Sitting here in the comfort of my house, using a MacBook with Broadband.
Travelling on straight roads, no air pollution, clean and green environment, a 9-5 job for most of us, who should we thank? These don't come easy.
Writing this with Channel 8 ''Remembering Lee Kuan Yew - Building a Nation'' playing in the background, is really heart wrenching.
The gloomy skies yesterday right before the storm.
It is a sad day for all of us.
After the storm, hey we are a beautiful city and I am proud of that.
This beautiful city need no edit, no watermark to spoil the picture.
Thank you Mr Lee for these beautiful memories. Thank you Mr Lee for shaping Singapore to a place that we can call our home. RIP Mr Lee.