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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Entertainer 2018 bundled with Cheers 2018 and Bali 2018 (Early Bird Discount!)


Early Bird Discount till 30th November 2017: Entertainer 2018 S$95, comes with Cheers Singapore 2018 and Bali 2018!

Last week, I attended The Entertainer event where I was introduced The Entertainer 2018 as well as early bird discount and the bundle that comes with it. As a faithful customer of The Entertainer, I will recommend to grab the deal when there is an early bird discount. I hesitated last year and ended up paying the full amount for 2017's Entertainer App when i decided to purchase it in March 😑 and they were also giving Cheers 2017 for free last year if you purchase Entertainer 2017, so I missed the chance to save even more on drinks! 😢